
This page links to all of the photo galleries on this site. There are multiple ways you can find and look at the photos. All the galleries are listed in the sections below, so you can go to a specific gallery.

Most of the photos have also been put in categories (normally by unit) and tagged (people, places, equipment etc.). You can search all photos by category or search all photos by tag.

We will keep the old Google-based photo gallery around for a while.

The Photo Galleries

Hover over the images to see the title of the gallery. Click to open the gallery.

RAA Association and Vic Gunnery Events

2024-02-03 - Wilco's Soiree
2023-07-15 - Association Visit to the National Vietnam Veterans Museum on Phillip Island
2023-05-23 - ANZAC Day at Sargood Barracks
2023-03-25 - Visit to Bill Bates' Military Collection
2023-03-05 - Gunner Luncheon
2019-08-25 - Gunner Symposium
2019-07-20 - Cranbourne RSL Reunion
2018-03-07 - Gunner Luncheon
2012-12-09 - Church Parade
2012-12-07 - Last Regimental Dinner at Altona

Unit and Activity Photos

Unknown - 22 Bty Exercise in Tasmania
2018-04-18 - 9 Regt Re-Raising Parade
2017-06-03 - Assoc Visit to 2/10 Mortar Live Firing
2012-12-09 - Presentations in the Mess after 2/10 Pde
2012-12-09 - Final Parade of 2/10 Fd Regt
201109 - 2/10 Fd Regt at Chapel St
200910 - 2/10 Fd Regt Mortar Training
2 Bty Gunners Mess Dining In Night

Member Photos

Photos from Ray Dalli
Photos from Peter Cimbalijevic
Photos from Mitch Kenny
Photos from Dave Mills

Formal Photos

School of Artillery (Manly) Photos
Formal Photos - 2/15 Fd and 10 Mdm Era
Formal Photos - 2/10 Mdm and Fd Era

Historical Photos

15 Fd Regt Freedom of the City of Dandenong and the Dandenong Drill Hall
2/15 Fd Regt Exercising Freedom of Entry to the City of Dandenong
2/15 Fd Regt Sgts Mess Photo Album
Parade Cards
Victorian Artillery Unit Plaques
Werribee Half Battery
WWII Noumea Photos

Folder View of Photo Galleries

You can also scan through the folders to find a specific gallery (some galleries may be empty).