2 Bty and 23 Bty Photos from 1990 Arty Ball

Two photos from the 1990 Artillery Ball were posted to facebook recently. We’re missing a few names, so if you know faces, please share. This was the last ball with the separate batteries in 2/15 Fd Regt before the amalgamation into 2 Bty and 2/10 Mdm Regt in 1991. This would have been August 1990. We’re still trying to confirm the location.

2 Bty

The faces I can identify are:

  • Rear rank – Brett McElholum, ?, Adam Bassani, Gail Mclatchie Bradley, Rosie McClounan, Carl Wood (BC), Rosie Mudge (?) , Rob Hibberd, Allan Ambler, Andrew Eccles , Ivan Dobay
  • Middle rank – Bob Armstrong (BSM), Andrew Davis, Steve (Steven) Draper, Daryl Sheppard, Peter Rowley, Leigh Frampton
  • Front rank – Penny Brooks, Annette Marschner, Damian McKinnon, Donna Falconer, Ian Blanchard, Graham (Gunny) Wren (SMIG)

If you can name the other faces, please reach out.

23 Bty

The faces I can identify are:

  • Rear rank – Linda Blake, John Traill (BK), Frank Marschner, Roger Dalton (BC), Garry Rolfe, Andrew Cadd, Kirsten Larsen, Jason Cooke, Elise McConnell (McKelvie)
  • Middle Rank – Mick Hayes (SMIG), ?, David Edwards, Peter Campbell, Jim Lake, Jimmy Goldsmith, Jon Moodie, unknown
  • Front Rank – Peter Heard, Stuart Pigdon, Stephen Monks, Scott (Norm) Gallagher, Mark Vosti, Paul Wainwright, Tony Wilkins, Mike Womack

Again, if you can name the missing faces, please reach out.

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