A Few Updates to the Website

I’ve been able to upload a few articles, letters and newsletters to the website today. Please see the Publications of Other RAA Associations page for the latest RAA Assoc of … Read more

Newsletters Added

We have uploaded the latest Association newsletter (Nbr. 11) to the Cascabel page. Also we have uploaded two newsletters from our colleagues in the WA Artillery Association to the Publications … Read more

Association Newsletter Nbr. 10 Posted

The latest (July 2020) Association newsletter has been added to the https://artilleryvic.org.au/index.php/cascabel/ page. It’s a bumper issue with a number of articles of interest to Victorian gunners.

May News

We’ve made a few changes to the website. You will notice a scrolling banner of recent pictures on the main page, as well as addition of sponsors to the association. … Read more