Formal Photos from 23 Bty, 22 Bty and 2/10 Mdm Regt

I came across a set of formal photos from the early 90’s covering 23 Bty, 22 Bty and 2/10 Mdm Regt I thought worth sharing.

23 Bty – Feb 91

The first is the last battery photo from early 1991 before the merge with 2 Bty.

23 Bty, 2/15 Fd Regt

Some likely lads and lasses in that photo, and a lot of very young faces. No idea what Georgie Beale is laughing about. Loved my time as GPO of that battery.

The second is just the Sgts Mess (with Bty Officers).

23 Bty Sgts Mess

HQ Bty 2/10 Mdm Regt – 1991

After the merge of batteries and the regiment, I was posted to HQ Bty as the Survey Officer. This photo is of HQ Bty and 3 Div RAA Band sometime early in 1991 (before I was posted to RCSC for my Captains course).

HQ Bty and Band – 2/10 Mdm Regt

2/10 Mdm Regt Officer Mess – Mar 1992

This photo is the first I know of with the combined officers from 2/10 Mdm Regt.

Front of pic at LTCOL David Forster (CO) and MAJ Jim Stitz (OPSO), both ARA. The photo includes three current association committee members.

22 Bty 2/10 Mdm Regt – 1993

The final pair of formal photos are from 22 Bty in 1993.

The first photo is a combined battery photo from November 1993. This would have been after the ARTEP. It looks like the back of the Dandenong Drill hall.

The second photo is the battery officers with the Mount Shank trophy after the battery won it from our efforts during ARTEP. It would have been late in 1993, as MAJ Steve Venn had been the BC during the ARTEP and MAJ Peter Rowley was the incoming BC. I think this was a Gunner Dinner at Victoria Barracks.

Two future red-tab Colonels and a Navy Commodore in that pic. That night might have got ugly.

Two Extra Photos

I’ve included two extras that were in the same folder on my laptop. The first was my Subj 1 for Capt (aka RCSC Basic Level Course). Notable is LTCOL Mike Buckridge on staff at the time.

RCSC Basic Course 1991

The second random pic is from my Recruit Course in 1982.

Dec 82 Recruit Course

Can anyone identify a currently serving senior Reserve Artillery officer in the pic?

Do you have any formal photos of you time in the regiments that may be of interest to others? Feel free to share.

1 thought on “Formal Photos from 23 Bty, 22 Bty and 2/10 Mdm Regt”

  1. I found it really interesting looking back on the photos that had been posted in this addition. Makes me really appreciate my time with 2/15 – 2/10 over my 29 years the wonderful people I have meet and still have contact with many even today. It’s also made me aware of what I have been missing out on by not being a member of the RAA association. This will change as I will fill in the membership form after writing these notes. Sgt Eddy Evans


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