Random Photo – 37 Mdm Bty Footy Team

In response to my earlier post Random Photo – 23Bty Footy Team, Glenn Rabbas has shared the following photo from 37 Bty.

37 Bty Footy Team

From Glenn “around 1976 when 37 Mdm Bty thumped the pop gunners from Melbourne, back L-R Graeme Rabbas , Clem Laybourne, ? , Andrew Barrett, Bill Martin, John Beames, ?, ?, ?, ? front L-R ?, Brian Dunn (dec), kiwi? , Steve Ryan (dec), ?, ?“. And “It could of been a 37 bty vs 39 bty game too“.

Ker Camp also added “The guy in the white shorts next to Bill is Dave Glass“.

Do you have any more info?

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