Major John Henry Perpetual Trophy

Also known as the 23 Bty Cigar Award. Awarded to officers in the Bty for acts of notoriety.

Item Images

Item Details

Item Number12346
OwnerRAA Association


Awarded to the officer of 23 Fd Bty, 2/15 Fd Regt R.A.A for the most significant act of notoriety in the training year.

Additional Notes

We don’t know the “acts of notoriety” that justified being awarded this, but the following were the awardees:

  • 1978/79 Lt. Colin Robinson (questionable navigation)
  • 1979/80 Lt. Chris Renwick (command post work)
  • 1980/81 2Lt Doug Caulfield (sustained effort)
  • 1981/82 Lt John Sheard (athletic prowess)
  • 1984/85 LT John TRAILL (Fire Discipline)

It’s amazing this cigar wasn’t smoked at some dining in night.

One can imagine every young Bty Leader cold qualify for the “questionable navigation” award. Do you have any more details (that are publishable) on these acts?