Search Photos by Tag

Most of the photos on this site have been tagged for people, places, equipment and the like. Use the following “tag cloud” to see all the tags (the bigger the word, the more photos matching it) and click on one to show all photos matching that tag. Note that the group shots (like formal photos) haven’t been tagged with all the individuals.

1978AFX / 1979FFX / 1979MtMatlock / 1980AFX / 1981 / 1982 / 1983 / 1984 / 1988AFX / 25Pdr / 3inMortar / 3TrgGrp / 4BdeEx / 5.5in / AIFTrophy / Alkemaide / Allen / Altona / Ambler / Armstrong / Armstrong370 / Auchettl / Baines / Bains / Band / Banner / Barnard / BatmanAve / Battershill / Baxter / Beep / Beswick / Black / Blitz / Bohmer / Bolton / Boreham / Bosnjak / Brandon / Breen / Brown / BSM / Buckridge / C130 / Cain / Casey / CFC / ChapelSt / Chapman / Charles / Chinook / Christie / Cimbaljevic / Colac / Cooke / Cooper / Cowboy / CraigCook / CraigTaggart / Cranbourne / Cross / Dale / Dalli / Dandenong / Davies / Diakoumis / DiCarlo / DiningInNight / Director / Dobay / Dorster / Draper / Drone / Dutton / Edwards / Eling / Errey / F1Truck / FancyDress / FFR / FieldEx / Finch / FirepowerDemo / FoC / Forster / Frankston / George / GeorgeBeale / Goldie / GunCse / Hamer / Hansen / Harris / Hayes / Heard / Heron / Hodgson / Holstein / Janner / Jeep / Jonno / Keel / KenBlack / Kennedy / Kenny / L5 / Lancaster / LandRover / Lawrence / LaZilwa / Leder / Lucky / M198 / M2A2 / Mack / Mag58 / Maris / Marschner / May / McClease / McKelvie / Merv / Mills / Minimi / Moodie / Moorby / Morkham / Mormile / Morrell / Mortar / MtBundey / MtSchanck / Mudge / Murphy / Nairn / Norm / OConnor / Osborne / OToole / Paddon / Parade / ParadeCard / Pearson / Peng / Perry / Peterken / Petriw / Pigdon / Pritchard / Pucka / Pyke / RACV / RobinThomas / Rolfe / Rowley / Salute / Sandbach / Scott / Sheard / Shrine / Skyshow / Sloan / SmallArmsRange / SMIG / SmithRAW / SoAManly / spectroscope / Stitz / Stretch / Sturzaker / Swindells / Taggart / Tankie / Tassie / Taylor / Thomas / Torey / Traill / Trolley / Trophy / Tullamarine / Tullamarine. Bohmer / Unimog / Venn / VicBarracksSydney / Wainwright / Watsonia / Wessner / Wilco / Wilkins / Williams / Wood

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