RAA Luncheon

Highett RSL 1 Station St, Highett, Vic, Australia

RAA Luncheon, Wed 1st Mar, Highett RSL. See details in linked document: RAA LUNCHEON 2023

Mar Committee Mtg

2/10 Bty Depot 8 Chapel St, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

Monthly committee meeting. Agenda to be sent prior to the meeting.

ANZAC Day 2023

2/10 Bty Depot 8 Chapel St, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

2/10 Bty The Battery is holding a service at Chapel St. Details are: 0545 - ‘Arrive by’ time 0600 - Service commences 0700 - Gunfire breakfast 0930 - Mess open for drinks 1200 - Mess closes If you plan on attending could you RSVP to secretary@artilleryvic.org.au for catering purposes. Frankston RSL Tony Wilkins has posted ... Read more

Museum Cleanup Day

2/10 Bty Depot 8 Chapel St, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

One of a series of RAA Association Museum cleanup days. All welcome to attend and help. Lunch at the pub afterwards.

Museum Cleanup Day

2/10 Bty Depot 8 Chapel St, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

One of a series of RAA Association Museum cleanup days. All welcome to attend and help. Lunch at the pub afterwards.

Visit to the Vietnam Veterans Museum – Phillip Island

National Vietnam Veterans Museum 25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven, Victoria, Australia

Garry Rolfe has arranged a visit for Association Members to the National Vietnam Veterans Museum at Phillip Island. Details are as follows: Date:                          Saturday 15th July 2023 Location:                  25 Veterans Drive, Newhaven Phillip Island. Timings:                   Arrive 10:30am. Cost:                           $12.00 (concession admission – pay on arrival) (cash is preferable for collection on arrival in order to ... Read more

Museum Cleanup Day

2/10 Bty Depot 8 Chapel St, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

One of a series of RAA Association Museum cleanup days. All welcome to attend and help. Lunch at the pub afterwards.

Museum Cleanup Day

2/10 Bty Depot 8 Chapel St, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

One of a series of RAA Association Museum cleanup days. All welcome to attend and help. Lunch at the pub afterwards.

Museum Cleanup Day & BBQ

2/10 Bty Depot 8 Chapel St, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

One of a series of RAA Association Museum cleanup days. All welcome to attend and help. Lunch at the pub afterwards.

2/10 Bty – AFL Grand Final BBQ

2/10 Bty Depot 8 Chapel St, St Kilda, VIC, Australia

2/10 Battery is putting on a Social Day next Saturday 30th from 11am onwards for the AFL Grand Final and we would like to extend the hospitality to all RAA Association members. We'll be putting on food and drink will be available over the bar. Members can RSVP directly to me given the short notice. ... Read more