A Visit to the Baxter Depot

I recently had the opportunity to visit the old 23 Bty depot in Robinsons Rd, Baxter. The Reserve is long gone and the property was returned to the school many years ago.

The depot is home to 36 Army Cadet Unit (once commanded by Mike Womack) and an Air Force cadet unit. The two cadet units use the old gun bay building and some portables out the back.

As can be seen from the photos, the portables that used to house the orderly room, offices, two lecture rooms (CP and Sigs), and the Q-Store are long gone (behind the black mesh fencing is where most of them were). The permanent building (armoury, toilets, Diggers Mess and classroom, and Sgts Mess) is still there, but they’ve obviously been repurposed. Also, the fence between the depot and the school is now gone.

1 thought on “A Visit to the Baxter Depot”

  1. Thanks for the photos Dave – does bring back lots of fun memories and images I can’t ever get out of my head – Beach Parties πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


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